适用于各种规模和多个行业的企业, 吸引团队成员从未像现在这样重要. 在后疫情时代, shoring up your team member engagement may be the number one thing you can do to positively impact your bottom line. 让我们面对现实吧 快乐的团队成员 让客户满意. 敬业的团队成员也更有生产力, more innovative and more likely to speak positively about your company. 远程工作人员将留在这里, 至少在某种程度上是这样, it’s crucial that organizations not only prioritize team member engagement, but also find creative ways to engage teams in the virtual environment.

那么,你如何确保你的团队成员参与进来呢? 通过清晰、一致的沟通,确保他们感到与你有联系. 即使在最好的时候, poor or lacking communication can have a negative impact on your organization. 现在更是如此, companies will be well served to prioritize communication strategies and be intentional with 内部沟通. 当你为2022年做计划时, here are three ways team member engagement can boost your bottom line.


根据 火星科学实验室组, 当团队成员分享品牌信息时, it has 561% further reach than when shared through a company channel. 当你的团队与你的组织紧密相连时, 他们更有可能成为品牌拥护者. Team members who feel good about where they work want to share that message and are more likely to bring others on board. Having brand ambassadors help with recruiting can make finding top talent a bit easier in the competitive market, 和更高的 保留 rates and lower talent acquisition costs will have a positive impact on your bottom line.

在分享品牌信息时,真实性是关键. 你如何确保你是真实的? Communicate consistent messaging across all channels and make sure your message reflects the core values of your organization. If you are telling your team members one thing but your clients another, 你的信息不会引起听众的共鸣. 建立强大的文化, it’s critical to be transparent – so your clients see on the outside what your team members are experiencing on the inside.

领先的商业咨询和咨询公司, LBMC, leverages its corporate communications to distribute a consistent brand message across all channels. 该公司每周的电子通讯颂扬团队成员, 让他们了解情况, 并在整个企业中创造一种社区意识. The newsletter is supplemented by internal digital signage and an intranet site that provide key updates. Internal communications flow through the Marketing team to facilitate consistency in messaging both internally and externally.

在实施你的沟通策略时, 确保你的信息是清晰的, 真实透明. 一致性和内容本身一样重要.


根据 麦肯锡全球研究院, organizations with connected team members have 20 – 25% higher productivity. When your teams understand how their role fits into the big picture and how they impact the whole, they are more likely to care about your company and work harder and will be more inspired to achieve your company’s vision and long-term goals.

LBMC’s strategic plan provides a framework with five core pillars for team members to work towards a shared vision and common goals backed by the firm’s values. 团队成员制定个人目标以帮助实现团队目标, 哪些支持组织的总体目标. 专注于优化, individuals and teams works towards redesigning processes to enhance efficiency for team members and clients alike.

通过开发新的, 更好地在正确的时间以正确的方式提供服务, 你的团队可以提供帮助 推动组织向前发展. Giving your team members a chance to be part of the solution goes a long way towards building 士气,从而提高生产率并推动创新.


An engaged workforce can help elevate your brand and enhance efficiency, but can it drive revenue? 根据 怡安休伊特, a 5% increase in employee engagement is linked to a 3% increase in growth the following year.

A key component of LBMC’s strategic plan is focused on growth within its current client base by expanding relationships and service offerings. 如果你的公司销售多种产品或服务, effective 内部沟通 are a must for educating your team members. 确保你的信息清晰明了,但不要让人不知所措. 不是每个人都需要知道每个产品或服务的细节, 只是你的公司提供给他们的.

LBMC’s corporate communications drip information to educate team members on the multitude of business consulting and advisory solutions offered by the LBMC Family of Companies. Bite sized spotlights offer high level “Did you know” pieces about the service line, 为客户提供的解决方案, 谁是关键联系人.

The firm’s corporate communications are reinforced by education and training opportunities offered by LBMC’s dedicated Talent Development Team. Virtual and in person sessions are provided to team members at all levels of the organization and feature an overview component about each service and what to listen for when talking to clients.

你的团队对你的产品和服务了解得越多, the more cross-sell and new business opportunities your company will have. And educating team members on your company’s service lines will lead to better communication across lines of business, 促进部门间合作, 促进同志情谊, 哪一种会带来更高的参与度.


今天在这里的混合劳动力, there has never been a more crucial time to make sure your teams feel connected. 当你为2022年做计划时, take time to look at your 内部沟通 strategy to shore up team member engagement. As your team members are key influencers for sharing your brand message, 内部沟通 may be the most powerful marketing tool you have.

Content provided by LBMC’s Corporate Communications Manager, Liesel Meyer.